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Date : 8/24/2018

6 Tips to Keep Your Wedding Day on Time and Stress-Free

A bride enjoying her wedding at the golf clubYour wedding should be a fun and special day for you, your partner, and your guests. Staying on time is one key to ensuring that it meets or exceeds everyone's expectations. But wedding day can be a chaotic time even for the most prepared couple. So how can you help ensure that yours stays on schedule and is enjoyable? Here are six tips for any bride and groom.

1. Limit the People Involved

You may love the idea of having all your friends, family, and relatives involved in your big day, but this risks adding stress and disorganization. The more people you have in your bridal party, the more you risk that people won't be in the right place at the right time and ready to go. You'll also have to get more bridesmaids cycled through hair and makeup.

Avoid this by keeping the bridal party limited. And designate only a few specific family members or friends as helpers allowed in the prep areas. 

2. Delegate Everything You Can

The best way for a bride and groom to enjoy their prep time and keep the wedding running smoothly is to be out of the way on the big day. Delegate as much as you can to trusted friends and family, including decorations, flower setup, and guest assistance.

If you've been working with vendors closely, trust them to carry out your wishes without you micromanaging things. The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to let go of the minutiae and keep things on track. 

3. Create a Wedding Timeline

Take the time to write down a timeline for the wedding day (or weekend, if necessary) and distribute it generously. Assess how much time is realistically needed for each step - including bridal and bridesmaid prep time, photographs before and after the ceremony, the ceremony itself, dinner service, and transportation between sites. Then add extra time to each step just in case.

Print out the timeline, email it, and hand it out again on the big day. 

4. Involve the Vendors

Your vendors are professionals with experience handling many, many weddings. Use their expertise when planning your timeline. Talk to each vendor about the most appropriate time for them to arrive and do their part.

Pay particular attention to the time needs of the photographer. If you have a large family, little kids in the wedding party, or specific photos you want, schedule extra time for each segment of the day's pictures. 

5. Practice Ahead of Time

Do a test run of as many parts of the wedding as possible so you can more accurately schedule things. Meet with your hair and makeup vendors to practice once or twice before the big day. Try on your complete outfit with a designated assistant in preparation to do it again on your wedding day.

Have a proper rehearsal with the full bridal party, and then go over the actual ceremony with your officiant separately. Drive the distances between venues at the correct hour to account for traffic. 

6. Leave Wiggle Room

While you can try to keep everything in order on your wedding day, remember that you can't control everything. Leave extra space in the wedding timeline so you can have fun and do some spontaneous things. By scheduling fewer items on the big day, you'll have room to fall a little behind or to savor the moment with your bridal party and partner. 

For more help arranging the perfect timeline for your specific event, talk with the wedding experts at Oasis Golf Club & Conference Center today. We can assist you in creating the wedding day of your dreams with less stress. 

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